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Wheelchairs For Sale

Introduction to Manual Wheelchairs: A Full Overview

Manual wheelchairs are an indispensable mobility solution for individuals facing diverse challenges related to mobility, offering them independence, freedom, and an improved quality of life. If you’re considering purchasing a manual wheelchair, it’s crucial to have a firm grasp of the key details and considerations involved in making the right choice. This comprehensive guide aims to equip you with all the necessary information to navigate the process effectively and ensure that you find the perfect manual wheelchair to meet your specific needs.

Benefits Of Manual Wheelchairs For Sale?

Manual wheelchairs cater to individuals with mobility impairments resulting from various conditions, including:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries or disabilities
  • Neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries
  • Chronic health conditions affecting mobility, such as arthritis or cerebral palsy Age-related limitations

Advantages of Using a Manual Wheelchair

The use of a manual wheelchair offers several advantages, including:

Independence: Empowering users to move around freely and independently, enhancing their ability to engage in daily activities and participate in social events.
Improved Mobility: Enabling individuals to navigate both indoor and outdoor environments with greater ease and flexibility, facilitating the maintenance of an active lifestyle.
Enhanced Accessibility: Providing access to spaces and areas that may be challenging to reach for individuals with mobility impairments, thereby promoting inclusivity and equal participation.
Portability: Unlike powered wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs are lightweight and portable, making them easy to transport and store, whether at home or during travel.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Manual Wheelchair

Before purchasing a manual wheelchair, it is essential to consider the following factors to ensure that you select the right one for your needs:

Type of Wheelchair: Choose from various types of manual wheelchairs, including standard, lightweight, transport, heavy-duty, and sport wheelchairs, based on your mobility requirements and preferences.
Fit and Comfort: Select a wheelchair with the appropriate seat width, depth, and height to ensure proper fit and comfort. Consider additional features such as adjustable armrests, footrests, and backrests for customized support.
Portability and Storage: Determine whether you need a wheelchair that is foldable or collapsible for easy transportation and storage, especially if you plan to travel frequently.
Terrain and Environment: Consider the terrain and environment where you will primarily use the wheelchair. Choose wheelchair wheels and tires suitable for navigating indoor surfaces, outdoor terrain, or rough terrain.
Budget and Insurance Coverage: Establish a budget for purchasing a manual wheelchair and explore insurance coverage options to offset costs. Some insurance plans may cover part or all of the expenses associated with acquiring a wheelchair.

Types of Manual Wheelchairs For Sale

Manual wheelchairs come in various types to accommodate different needs and preferences:

Standard Manual Wheelchairs: Basic wheelchairs with a folding frame for easy storage and transportation.
Lightweight Manual Wheelchairs: Featuring lighter frames made from aluminum or titanium for increased maneuverability and portability.
Transport Wheelchairs: Lightweight and compact wheelchairs designed primarily for transportation rather than self-propulsion, ideal for short trips or outings.
Heavy-Duty Manual Wheelchairs: Reinforced frames and components to support larger individuals with higher weight capacities.


Choosing the right manual wheelchair is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your mobility and quality of life. By understanding the factors involved in selecting a manual wheelchair, including the types available, key considerations, and advantages of use, you can make an informed decision that meets your unique needs and preferences.


Unsure about which wheelchair for sale suits you best?

Don’t gamble on your wheelchair choice – let our Wheelchair Buying Guide be your compass.

Welcome to Our Best Seller Page for Manual Wheelchairs!

Browse through our best-selling manual wheelchairs below and find the perfect mobility solution to fit your lifestyle. With options ranging from lightweight and portable models to heavy-duty bariatric wheelchairs, we’re confident you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.

1. Feather Mobility Lightweight Wheelchair

  • Price: $745.00
  • Seat Width: 22 inches
  • Weight Capacity: 350 lbs
  • Key Features: Lightweight frame, full-length armrests, swing-away footrests, adjustable seat width.
  • Best For: Individuals seeking a lightweight wheelchair with high weight capacity for everyday use both indoors and outdoors.

2. MedaCure Wings Wheelchair Standard And Bariatric

  • Price: $240.00
  • Seat Width: Standard and bariatric options available
  • Weight Capacity: Up to 500 lbs (bariatric model)
  • Key Features: Durable frame, adjustable seat height, flip-back armrests, removable footrests.
  • Best For: Users requiring a heavy-duty wheelchair with higher weight capacity options, suitable for standard and bariatric users.

3. Invacare Tracer EX2 Wheelchair

  • Price: $319.00
  • Seat Width: Various seat width options available
  • Weight Capacity: Up to 250-300 lbs
  • Key Features: Durable construction, permanent arms, adjustable seat depth, padded armrests.
  • Best For: Individuals seeking a reliable and versatile wheelchair with customizable options for seat width and depth.

4. Invacare SX5 Lightweight Wheelchair

  • Price: $389.00
  • Seat Width: Various seat width options available
  • Weight Capacity: Up to 250-300 lbs
  • Key Features: Lightweight frame, fold-down backrest, removable footrests, adjustable seat height.
  • Best For: Users looking for a lightweight and portable wheelchair with customizable options for seat width and height.

5. ProBasics K2 Wheelchair

  • Price: $239.00
  • Seat Width: Various seat width options available
  • Weight Capacity: Up to 300 lbs
  • Key Features: Durable steel frame, padded armrests, swing-away footrests, adjustable seat height.
  • Best For: Individuals seeking a sturdy and affordable wheelchair with customizable options for seat width and height.

6. Karman 700T Standard Steel Manual Wheelchair

  • Price: $285.00
  • Seat Width: Various seat width options available
  • Weight Capacity: Up to 250-300 lbs
  • Key Features: Steel frame, padded armrests, swing-away footrests, adjustable seat height.
  • Best For: Users looking for a durable and budget-friendly wheelchair with customizable options for seat width and height.

7. Karman 802DY Ultra Lightweight Foldable Wheelchair

  • Price: $425.00
  • Seat Width: 16 inches
  • Weight Capacity: Up to 250 lbs
  • Key Features: Ultra lightweight aluminum frame, foldable design, ergonomic seat, removable footrests.
  • Best For: Individuals seeking a highly portable and compact wheelchair for travel and occasional use.

8. Karman S-ERGO 125 Ergonomic Wheelchair

  • Price: $860.00
  • Seat Width: Various seat width options available
  • Weight Capacity: Up to 250-300 lbs
  • Key Features: Ergonomic design, adjustable seat angle, quick-release wheels, anti-bacterial upholstery.
  • Best For: Users requiring an ergonomic wheelchair with adjustable features for enhanced comfort and support.

Top Medical Mobility is recognized as a leading provider of medical equipment, celebrated for our steadfast dedication to exceptional customer care. Beyond our extensive range of high-quality products, we take great pride in offering unparalleled support throughout our customers’ journey. From comprehensive purchasing and home care guides to cutting-edge healthcare resources, we ensure every step is guided with expertise and compassion. Additionally, our dedicated customer care team is available to assist with technical inquiries, warranty issues, and any other concerns, reaffirming our commitment to delivering the highest standard of service. We understand the importance of reliable customer care, especially when purchasing equipment from third-party platforms like Amazon or eBay, where customers only realize after their purchase that they have no one to turn to. As an authorized dealer and provider, we ensure our customers have access to a dedicated support team, guaranteeing a smooth and seamless experience for disabled individuals and elderly patients. Our dedication extends beyond the transaction; we’re here to ensure a hassle-free journey every step of the way.

Affordable Wheelchairs for Sale

Top Medical Mobility is your ultimate destination for wheelchair solutions. We understand the importance of finding the perfect wheelchair to suit your needs. That’s why we offer an extensive range of mobility solutions tailored just for you.

Our selection of wheelchairs for sale includes lightweight electric wheelchairs, folding electric wheelchairs and heavy duty power wheelchairs from renowned brands like Freerider, EZ MedBuy, Karman and E Wheels.

What sets us apart from other wheelchair stores is our unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you. Feel free to reach out to our friendly phone agents at 1-800-520-8044 for any inquiries or assistance you may require.

If you’re unsure about which wheelchair to choose, our comprehensive wheelchair buying guide and blogs are here to help. These blogs and guides offer insightful information to help you make well-informed decisions.

Choose Top Medical Mobility for all your wheelchair needs and gain access to the largest selection of quality mobility solutions available online.

Engineered for comfort and durability, our range of wheelchair on sale ensures smooth navigation and reliability. Discover a blend of style and functionality that caters to your unique mobility needs. From lightweight models for easy transport to advanced features promoting user-friendly operation, we have it all.

We will guide you what types of wheelchairs are best for elderly?

Generally, two main types of wheelchairs are suitable for the elderly: manual wheelchairs and power wheelchairs.

Manual wheelchairs: They are propelled by the user or a caregiver through hand rims attached to the rear wheels. They are lightweight, easy to maneuver, and require minimal maintenance. There are many options available for manual wheelchairs:

Power wheelchairs: They are motorized and controlled using a joystick or other input devices. Power wheelchairs offer a greater level of independence as they require less physical effort to operate. There are 3 options available for power wheelchairs:

Here are our top-rated wheelchair for sale:

1. Power Wheelchairs For Sale:

Power Wheelchairs are characterized by their electric motor-driven functionality, offering users a convenient and effortless mobility solution. They are available in various configurations to cater to diverse preferences and requirements. Our Power Wheelchairs encompass three distinct categories to meet your diverse mobility needs.

  • Folding Electric Wheelchairs: Ideal for travel, these wheelchairs offer higher weight capacity, removable armrests, and dual functionality. Perfect for individuals with limited mobility or strength, this wheelchair stands out for its user-friendly folding mechanism, requiring minimal to no physical exertion.
  •  Heavy Duty Power Wheelchairs: Boasting impressive weight capacity, robust construction, and powerful motors, these wheelchairs offer enhanced seating and advanced controls for a personalized and comfortable user experience. Ideal for those requiring a formidable mobility solution with added safety features.
  • Lightweight Electric Wheelchairs: The standout attribute of these wheelchairs is their effortless folding mechanism, ensuring easy portability with minimal physical effort. Tailored for individuals with limited strength, these wheelchairs redefine accessibility, offering a perfect blend of innovation and comfort for your on-the-go lifestyle.

2. Manual Wheelchairs For Sale: 

Manual wheelchairs redefine mobility with their user-propelled design, providing a versatile and self-reliant solution. Offering a range of configurations, manual wheelchairs empower users to navigate their surroundings with ease, ensuring personalized comfort and convenience in every category. Available in six distinct categories, these wheelchairs cater to diverse preferences and requirements. 

  • Lightweight Manual Wheelchairs: These wheelchairs feature large rear wheels and smaller front wheels, allowing easy manual propulsion by the user or effortless pushing by a caregiver. Collapsible and transportable, they offer independence for users with temporary or permanent health conditions. Ideal for individuals with musculoskeletal disorders, paralysis, or neurological conditions, our wheelchairs ensure reliable, personalized mobility.
  • Standard Manual Wheelchairs: Featuring foldable designs and adjustable components like armrests and footplates, these wheelchairs offer fundamental support. Users can self-propel using push-rims, promoting self-reliance. Foldable for convenience, they come in various sizes, providing basic mobility and independence for daily activities.
  • Transport Chairs: These lightweight and maneuverable devices are designed for individuals requiring assistance in movement. With a compact and foldable design, they are highly portable and ideal for travel. Constructed from lightweight materials like aluminum, these chairs ensure ease of lifting and maneuvering for caregivers.
  • Folding Wheelchairs: With a foldable frame crafted from durable yet lightweight materials, our Folding Wheelchairs offer unparalleled convenience for storage, transportation, and travel. These wheelchairs feature an adjustable frame for easy transfer and prioritize user comfort with padded seats and backrests.
  • Heavy Duty Manual Wheelchairs: Specifically designed for individuals with higher weight requirements, these robust mobility aids feature reinforced steel frames, ensuring stability and longevity. With larger seats and backrests, adjustable footrests, and extra-wide armrests, they prioritize user comfort. The wheel and tire configurations maximize weight-bearing capacity while promoting easy navigation.
  • Recliner Wheelchairs: Recliner wheelchairs redefine mobility by seamlessly blending comfort and advanced positioning options. Featuring a reclining backrest for customizable seating angles, elevating leg rests for improved circulation, and padded surfaces for extended comfort, these wheelchairs prioritize user well-being. User-friendly controls, durable yet lightweight construction, and foldable design enhance maneuverability and ease of transport.

What Should I Look for when Buying a wheelchair?

When buying a wheelchair, there are several important factors to consider to ensure that it meets the specific needs and preferences of the user. Here are some key aspects to look for:

User’s Mobility Needs (Indoor vs. Outdoor Use): Consider where the wheelchair will be primarily used. Some wheelchairs are designed for indoor use, with smaller turning radii, while others are better suited for outdoor terrain.

Accessories: Users can customize their folding wheelchairs with various wheelchairs accessories such as seat cushions, seat belts, pouches, trays, and oxygen tank holders to enhance functionality and comfort.

Weight Capacity: Confirm that the wheelchair’s weight capacity is suitable for the user’s weight. It’s important not to exceed the specified weight limit.

Adjustability: Look for a wheelchair with adjustable features, such as seat height, armrest height, and footrest height, to provide a customized fit for the user.

Budget Considerations: Establish a budget and explore options within that range, keeping in mind that higher-end models may offer additional features and durability.

User Feedback and Reviews: Research user reviews and seek feedback from individuals who have similar needs or experiences. This can provide valuable insights into the performance and durability of specific wheelchair models.

Commonly Asked Questions

Which Accessories should I buy with a wheelchair?

“Consider accessories based on your needs, such as seat pads, cup holders, trays, and wheelchair bags. Adaptive devices like joystick extensions can enhance maneuverability.”

Should I buy manual wheelchair or power wheelchair?

“The decision to buy a manual wheelchair or power wheelchair depends on several factors such as the individual’s physical abilities, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

• When you should choose manual wheelchairs?
Manual wheelchairs are ideal for elderly individuals who have good upper body strength, coordination, and the ability to self-propel. These wheelchairs provide the user with a sense of independence and control over their movement. Manual wheelchairs are lightweight, easy to maneuver, and cost-effective. They are also easier to transport and require less maintenance.
• When you should choose power wheelchairs?
If you have limited upper body strength, stamina, or coordination, a power wheelchair may be a better choice. Power wheelchairs provide a greater level of independence and require less physical effort to operate. They are ideal for navigating various terrains and longer distances without relying on external assistance. Power wheelchairs can also be equipped with additional features for comfort and positioning.
If you are still confused, call Top Medical Mobility at 1-800-520-8044. Our specialists can guide you better based on your individual circumstances, ensuring that you choose the most suitable option that promotes mobility, independence, and overall well-being.

Where is the best place to buy a wheelchair?

Though there are several options available both online and in physical stores when it comes to buying a top quality wheelchair, Top Medical Mobility offers the best collection of wheelchair options and accessories, making it convenient to browse and compare different models from the comfort of your own home. Top Medical Mobility also offers competitive pricing, which can be a significant factor when purchasing a wheelchair. Additionally, our website provides helpful information about wheelchair features, specifications, customer reviews sizing, and maintenance, assisting you in selecting the right wheelchair for your needs.
If you need help selecting the right wheelchair for handicapped, disabled or elderly, you can call us at 1-800-520-8044 to get the right advice from our experts.

Does Medicare Pay for wheelchairs?

Yes, Medicare does provide coverage for wheelchairs under certain circumstances. Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) typically covers 80% of the Medicare-approved amount for durable medical equipment (DME), while you will be responsible for the remaining 20% as well as any deductibles or co-pays. Coverage may vary depending on the type of wheelchair needed. To be eligible for coverage, you must meet specific criteria. In addition, your supplier and your doctor must accept Medicare.

Which Wheelchair Accessories or parts should I buy with a wheelchair?

When purchasing a wheelchair, there are several useful accessories to consider. Some common wheelchair accessories include:

• Wheelchair seat cushions: Provides comfort and reduce muscle tension while seated for prolonged periods of time.
• Wheelchair back cushion: Prevents from back pain
• Wheelchair Bag or Backpack: Allows for convenient storage of personal items.
• Wheelchair Seat Belt: Enhances safety and stability during wheelchair use.
• Wheelchair Ramp: Facilitates easy access to buildings or vehicles.
• Wheelchair Tray: Provides a flat surface for activities or mealtime.
• Wheelchair Cup Holder: Allows for easy access to drinks.
• Wheelchair Umbrella or Sunshade: Provides protection from the elements.
• Wheelchair Gloves: Improve grip and prevent blisters during self-propulsion.
• Wheelchair Footrest Extenders or Leg Supports: Enhances leg positioning and comfort.
• Wheelchair Anti-Tip Devices: Prevents tipping backward for added safety.

Unsure about which wheelchair suits you best?

Don’t gamble on your wheelchair choice – let our Wheelchair Buying Guide be your compass.

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